Constitution of the Consolation Baptist Association
Whereas the members of the Consolation Baptist Association believe it to be a great advantage for the
churches of Jesus Christ, composed of persons regularly baptized on profession of faith in Christ, to be
associated together for mutual support and assistance, this Association is organized for the purpose of
creating such an association and facilitating the cooperation of the association of the associated churches
in carrying out our Lord's Great Commission.
This Association shall be called the Consolation Baptist Association, Inc., hereafter in this document
referred as the Association.
The objective of this Association shall be: To promote Christian missions, Christian education, Christian
benevolence, discipleship and discipleship making, pastoral support, family ministry, and social service
causes at home and abroad through the churches of the association, to provide help and fellowship for the
churches of the association through the Association's organizations, and to effect a close cooperation
between the churches of the association, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, and the Southern Baptist
Convention in promoting the Kingdom of our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the whole world.
This association shall have the authority to govern its own affairs and shall not be subject to any other
body. This association shall have no power to lord over God’s heritage, to claim ecclesiastical power over
any of the churches, or to infringe in any manner on the internal rights of the churches.
This association shall consist of churches of like faith and order that have been received into membership
in the Association and continue as members in accord with this constitution. Member churches are
entitled to representation by their duly elected messengers (ARITCAL V) and their representatives on the
Executive Committee (ARTICAL IX-A). Churches desiring membership in this body shall present by
properly elected messengers a petitionary letter together with proper credentials of organization and
Articles of Faith to the Administration Committee. Such churches may, by majority vote during any
executive Committee meeting, Fall or Spring meeting come under watch-care of the Association to be
voted on during the next executive, Fall, or Spring meetings. Churches receiving a majority vote after
watch-care shall be received into full membership. The association admits the right of any of the
churches comprising of the association to withdraw without stating any reason for so doing. However,
written notification of such action shall be given to the association or its Administrative Committee.
At the same time, this association claims the right to withdraw from a church that departs from the
principles of this compact by becoming heterodox in faith or disorderly in practice. To affect this action,
two-thirds of the Messengers present and voting during any executive, Fall, or Spring meetings.
Messengers for the Fall and Spring sessions shall be determined in one of two ways: Each church shall be
entitled to the pastor and to four (4) Messengers, and every church with a total of 200 average worship
attendance shall be entitled to one additional Messenger for each 100 members or fraction thereof.
However, no church shall be entitled too more than ten (10) Messengers (not including the pastor).
Each church shall be entitled to the pastor and four (4) Messengers, and every church that gives up to two
percent (2%) of their general offering to Consolation Baptist Association shall be entitled to an additional
Messenger for each half percent (1/2%) or fraction thereof. However, no church shall be entitled to more
than ten (10) Messengers.
Messengers for the executive Committee shall be the pastor and four additional members representing
their church.
Messengers shall be elected by the churches. However, if any elected member is not able to attend then
the pastor or chairman of the deacons may appoint another member in their place.
The Association shall meet on the fourth Thursday evening of April for the Spring Session and the fourth
Thursday evening of October for the Fall Session. The adoption of a proposed calendar
The Executive Committee shall meet on the fourth Monday evening during the months of January and
The Administrative Committee will meet the week before, or if necessary two weeks before, each
Executive, Fall, or Spring meeting. In case of an emergency the Administrative Committee can be called
in order to make necessary decision. The committee must provide the minutes of the meeting review
during the next association meeting. In the event of an emergency that there is time to call an Executive
Committee meeting, the Administrative Committee shall have the right to change the time or place and/or
call a special session of the association. Notice of a change or called meeting shall be mailed, emailed, or
text to the churches at least one week prior to any changed or called meeting.
To constitute a quorum for transaction of business, will consist of all members present during any regular
Planned meeting.
The officers of the association shall be the Moderator, who shall serve as Director and President of the
Corporation; a Vice-Moderator; a Clerk, who shall serve as Director and Secretary of the Corporation; a
Treasurer; a Chairman of the Executive Committee, who shall serve as a Director and Vice-President of
the corporation; an Administrative Committee Chairman; and a Georgia Baptist Mission Board
1. The association shall elect these officers annually in its Fall Session upon nominations by the
Administrative Committee. However, other nominations may be made from the floor in which event the
vote on contested offices shall be by secret ballot.
2. The terms of these officers shall begin at the end of the session in which they are elected. The Officers
of the Association shall be governed by the actions of the association in its semi-annual sessions and the
actions of the Executive Committee.
3. Officers serve at the will of the Association and may be removed by two-thirds of the messengers
present and voting at any regular or called meeting of the Association. The Administrative Committee may submit a
new member in these positions if they are vacated, or if the elected Officer fails to uphold his or her
responsibility to the office. The Consolation Baptist Association in meeting or the Executive Committee
will give final approval on such changes.
4. The Moderator, Vice-Moderator, the Association Executive Committee Chairman, and the Georgia
Baptist Executive Committee Representative should meet the following qualifications: a) He or she
should have already served two years within the association. b) He or she must affirm the Baptist Faith
and Message 2000. c) He or she must attend the majority (at least two) of the association’s meetings
(Such as Executive Committee Meeting and the Fall & Spring Sessions). d) He or she must attend
one of our churches that has contributed at least 2% and/or $2,000.00 annually to regular association giving.
The Moderator shall be elected during the Fall Meeting; the Moderator shall not serve more than two
(2) years consecutively. The Moderator shall be responsible to preside over and lead in the planning of the
Spring and Fall meetings. The Moderator shall serve on the Administrative Committee and all other
committees as an Ex-Officio member with all rights and privileges. The Moderator will have the right to
appoint any Ad-Hoc Committee. If the Moderator is not able to perform his work during the Fall or
Spring meetings, the Vice-Moderator will perform his work. If the Vice-Moderator is not available, then
the Executive Committee Chairman will lead the meeting. If the Executive Committee Chairman is not
available, the Administrative Committee Chairman will lead the session. If none of the previous officers
are available, the Clerk shall call the Session into order and the first item of business will be to elect a
temporary moderator.
The Vice-Moderator shall be elected during the Fall Meeting. The Vice-moderator will sit on the
Administrative Committee as an Ex-Officio member with all rights and privileges. The Vice-Moderator
will stand in for the Moderator when the Moderator is not present. The Vice-moderator shall serve no
more than one year consecutively.
The Executive Committee Chairman shall be elected during the Fall Meeting. The Executive
Committee Chairman shall not serve more than two (2) years consecutively. The Executive Committee
Chairman shall be responsible to preside over and lead in the planning of the Executive Committee
Meetings. The Executive Committee Chairman shall serve on the Administrative Committee as an Ex-
Officio member with all rights and privileges. If the Executive Committee Chairman is not able to
perform his function during the Executive Committee, the Vice-Moderator shall preside. If the Vice-
Moderator is not able to preside, the Moderator will preside, if the Moderator is not able to preside, the
Administration Chairman will preside. If the Administration Committee chairman is not able to preside,
the clerk shall call the meeting to order, and the first goal of business is the election of a temporary
Chairman. If the administration committee chairman is not able to perform the task, the clerk will call the
meeting or session into order and the electing of the temporary leader will be the first order of business.
The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all monies belonging to the association. The treasurer
should be solely responsible for such monies and securities of the association and be one of the officers
who shall be authorized to sign checks and drafts of the Association. The Treasurer shall render to the
meeting of the Executive Committee and the semi-annual sessions of the Association a written account of
the finances of the Association. This report shall be a part of the minutes of the Executive Committee and
made available to all constituent churches. The Treasurer shall further exercise all the duties incident to
the office of treasurer.
The Administrative Committee Chairman will be responsible to moderate the administrative
committee. The chairman will be responsible to bring forth any recommendations to the full association
or executive committee. If the chairman is not available, then the Association Missionary will provide the
The Clerk shall be elected during the Fall Meeting. The Clerk shall keep the minutes and records of the
Association and cause the minutes of all meetings and reports from the churches (ACRs) to be printed and
distributed during each regular session of the association. The Clerk shall file any certificate required by
any statute, federal or state; give and serve all notices to officers, members of the Executive Committee,
churches, and other appropriate persons or bodies; be the official custodian of the records and seal of the
Association; and be one of the officers required to sign drafts, notes, security and warranty deeds of the
Association. The Clerk shall be responsible for registering all messengers during the Executive
Committee Meetings and the spring and fall sessions. The Clerk shall further exercise all duties incident
to the office of Clerk. If the clerk is unable to attend an Executive Committee meeting, fall session, or
spring session, the Moderator will appoint someone else to take notes and read the minutes. If there is a
time when the necessary officers are not available to lead a meeting or session, the clerk will call the
assembly to order, and the first business will elect a temporary leader.
Ministry Assistant: The ministry assistant is responsible for clerical, newsletters, media, to assist the
association missionary in the areas of Christian education, discipleship, pastor wellness, community
ministries, and other tasks directed by the association missionary or Administrative Committee.
Whenever there is a need for a special committee or a group to perform an event or ministry the
Association Missionary, or Administrative Committee, will appoint a Chairperson and enlist only those
who are interested in the event or ministry.
This committee shall be composed of the officers of the Association, the Pastors of churches within the
Association, and two additional members from each church within the Association, elected by the church
and reported to the Association.
The Executive Committee shall meet on the fourth Monday during the months of January and August, or
as often as circumstances require attending to the business of the Association between sessions, to carry
on the work of the Association and carry out the directives of the Association.
The Association shall elect annually a Chairman of the Executive Committee who shall also serve as vise-
director or vice-president of the corporation. The Chairman of the Executive Committee and the
Moderator shall not be the same person. The Moderator shall serve as Vice-chairman of the Executive
Committee. The Clerk shall serve as Clerk of the Executive Committee.
The Administrative Committee shall work with the Association Missionary and the Ministry Assistant in
the advancement of God’s kingdom through ministry and missions’ endeavors and the day to day
operations. This is the committee that the association missionary and ministry assistant approach for
suggestions and oversight. The membership shall be composed of the following Ex Officio members who
will have full privileges such as: Moderator, Vice-moderator, Association Executive Committee
Chairman, Administration Committee Chairman, Georgia Baptist Mission Board representative, the
Director of Missions, treasurer, and the ministry assistant (clerk) The committee will also consist of
twelve (12) members serving three-year rotating terms (staggered terms) and four alternates, with full
voting rights, who may fulfill any term of a member who is no longer able to serve.
This committee is responsible for the following:
1. To meet one to two weeks before each Executive Committee, Fall and Spring session, or when
2. To work in close harmony with the Director of Missions (Association Missionary), to give him input, advice,
support, encouragement, and oversight, and to help the Director of Missions (Association Missionary) in
the oversight of all special committees and groups, the Ministry Assistant, and other workers of
the Association.
3. The Director of Missions (Association Missionary) will introduce to this committee the need of any new groups
or committees.
4. The committee will work in close harmony with the Director of Missions (Association Missionary) and will
encourage the member churches to pray and support him.
5. The Administrative Committee will function as the Nominating, Calendar, Policy, Budget
Committee, as the preaching and resolution committee, and is responsible for the office, land or property
of the Association.
6. This committee will be responsible when there is a need to form any relationship with another
association or organization.
The trustees consist of the Moderator (President), Executive Committee Chairman (Vice-President), and the
Association Clerk (Treasurer). Their function is to sign any legal document that has been approved by the
association in a meeting or in case of an emergency the Administrative Committee.
In order for the Association to properly perform its work, it is necessary for it to have adequate financial
support from the member churches. Each church is autonomous and has the right and privilege to
determine the percentage of contribution it contributes to the Consolation Baptist Association. Each
church is encouraged to pray and contribute generously to the association in proportion to the blessings
the Lord has given to them.
All money contributed by the churches or individuals to the association shall be kept by the Treasurer
who shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures and shall report the same to the regular
meeting of the Executive Committee and the annual sessions of the Association.
The Administrative Committee shall act as a Budget Committee. Persons responsible for programs
involving the expenditure of funds shall make their request to this committee as soon as possible after the
August meeting of the Executive Committee. This committee in consultation with the Treasurer shall then
arrange a fair and equitable budget, taking into account the giving capacity of the Association and the
needs of the programs. The Administrative Committee shall present the proposed budget for the next
calendar year to the Fall Session of the Association for action.
The Association may purchase and hold property, both real and personal, and create debt in the pursuit of
its goal. It may dispose of such property in any way that it sees fit in keeping with its non-profit status.
Churches are encouraged to report to the Association each year, using the forms provided, giving such
information as may be helpful to the Association, the Baptist Convention of Georgia, and the Southern
Baptist Convention.
Roberts Rules of Order shall constitute the parliamentary authority for the Association.
The portion considered to be the Constitution may be altered or amended by affirmative vote of two-third
(2/3) of the Messengers present and voting. Those considered bylaws will be decided by majority vote at any
semi-annual meeting or executive committee meeting of the Association. However, after the vote for the first
recommendation, the change should be listed in the newsletter and the recommendation needs to be
approved at the next semi-annul meeting or executive committee.
The Articles of Faith of the Consolation Baptist Association shall be the statement of The Baptist Faith
and Message adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in Atlanta, GA, June 14, 2000.
-Revised January 2023